Developing Lincoln’s Tourism Brand and Destination Identity
Consultation has concluded
New Tourism Brand Identity Adopted
The Town of Lincoln has embraced a new tourism and destination brand identity, the Niagara Benchlands. The Town of Lincoln’s Committee of the Whole unanimously supported the new tourism and brand identity during its meeting on October 18. This project was the collective vision of staff, Town Council, the tourism industry, and the community. The new brand will now ignite Lincoln’s five-year Tourism Strategy and Action Plan.
Please note that the presented visual examples are not finalized and are presented to showcase the brand potential. Further refinements are underway as Town Staff work with their consultant. The final brand and visual identity guide will adhere to AODA standards to ensure final branding guidelines are accessible, and practical for all future applications.
Thank you for your input
The Town would like to thank project consultants Trajectory, members of the project steering committee (Tourism Strategy and Implementation Team), supporting delegations, and our local tourism operators and businesses for their continued commitment and support throughout this strategic development process. The new Niagara Benchlands destination identity is truly the culminating vision of the enthusiastic community engagement and support Staff received throughout the various project development stages.
Attracting Tourism Investment and Supporting Job Creation
The Town's Economic Development and Tourism team has been working in partnership with Lincoln's local tourism sector and strategic tourism partners to roll out the Town's five-year Tourism Strategy and Action Plan (2020-2025) which was adopted by Town of Lincoln Council in June 2020.
We want to ensure that the Town's tourism and destination brand identity resonates with Lincoln's visitors, local residents and tourism businesses, while also allowing the Town to achieve the following goals:
- attract tourism investment and support job creation;
- advocate for greater tourism support; and
- create a Lincoln-centered destination that is compelling through a visitors lens locally, nationally and internationally.
Leveraging the positive momentum of stakeholder research and a tourism audit conducted in 2020, Town staff have been working with consultant Trajectory Brands and local industry leaders through its Tourism Strategy and Implementation Team (TSIT), to develop a strategic tourism and destination place brand for the Town of Lincoln.
To move forward the key priorities identified in Lincoln's five-year Tourism Strategy and Action Plan, the need to define a strong destination place brand identity for a Lincoln-centered destination was identified.
Defining Lincoln's Tourism, & Place Brand Identity
Place-Making + Place Marketing = Place Branding
Place branding helps to shape a community and increase its economic opportunities for residents and businesses of all sizes. A strong place brand can help create competitive commercial advantages, communicating why people should visit, open a business in a specific town/city or invest their money there. A strong place brand for the Town of Lincoln means that we can showcase our key competitive advantages (craft beverage, value-added agriculture, wide-open spaces, welcoming communities) and celebrate these differences as a point of distinction from fellow destination competitors.
The Town of Lincoln’s place brand will act as a strategic guidance system, as the Town looks to:
- Create and build an identity for Lincoln that stands out from other competitive destinations, and clearly communicate its benefits and strengths to potential investors, visitors or residents.
- Attract skilled labour, lucrative investment, and visitors
- Make decisions around city planning, capital attraction/retention, infrastructure investment, and public policy creation/reform.
- Create a unified voice and vision for the Lincoln-centered destination that focuses on the strengths of our diverse tourism sector
- Bring the Town of Lincoln to life, by seeking inspiration from our unique culture, cuisine, technology, architecture, heritage, art and future vision.
When it comes to creating an identity for the Town of Lincoln, it’s about revealing who we are, who we want to become, and celebrating what makes us different. When we activate this message in unison, the Town of Lincoln destination will resonate as an attractive place for people to visit, live, work and prosper.
Could we add a disclaimer that notes- that the presented visual examples are NOT the final and are meant to show the brand solutions flexibility and scale?