Development in Lincoln

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Open Houses & Public Meetings

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3411, 3417, 3423, 3429 Rittenhouse Road, Vineland

An application has been submitted by Arcadis on behalf of the owners of the properties known municipally as 3411, 3417, 3423, 3429 Rittenhouse Road in Vineland. The purpose of the proposed application is to rezone the subject lands from Institutional (I) and Residential 2 (R2) to a Residential Multiple (RM2) Zone with site specific provisions to redevelop the lands for a new 31 bed home for special care and a 26 unit residential apartment building with a total of 40 parking spaces. The application represents a resubmission/revision to an earlier submission.

An Open House was held on June 26, 2024 at the Rittenhouse Library in Vineland and a Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 8, 2024 at Town Hal.

For more information on the proposal, see folder on the right hand side of this page.

4933 Victoria Avenue North, Vineland

Applications have been submitted for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment by Landwise on behalf of the owners of the property municipally known as 4933 Victoria Avenue North, Lincoln. The purpose of the proposed applications is to permit a mixed-use building with commercial, hotel (130 suites) and residential (396 units) uses. The proposed building is comprised of four building sections of varying heights, up to 15-storeys, connected by a 4-storey podium.

An informal Public Information Centre was held on June 27th, 2024 to provide an opportunity to meet one-on-one with the Applicant team and Town staff, view display boards to learn more about the development proposal, ask questions and share feedback. A Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 8th, 2024. The Public Meeting was an opportunity to have your say on the development proposal.

The Town received questions from residents regarding the proposed development and provided a summary of the Town responses. View the document here

For more information on the proposal, see folder on the right hand side of this page.

3821-3827 Main Street, Jordan

A Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted to permit the construction of a 49 room hotel.

An open house was held on March 20th to provide information and obtain public input related to this project.

The Town of Lincoln held a public meeting on April 2, 2024.

3221 North Service Road

For details on the development project at 3221 North Service Road and the recent settlement with the developer, please visit the Prudhommes Development Site webpage.

The Planning Process & Why It Matters

Communities need to plan for the future. In Ontario communities, new developments undergo an extensive process well before shovels hit the ground. In a growing community like Lincoln, it may seem that development happens quickly.

In reality, there is much planning, consideration and opportunity for public engagement that are important aspects of the planning process. The process can often be years in the making and takes many factors into account – some within the Town’s control and some determined by legislation at higher levels of government.

Through various documents and bylaws, planning provides a framework for:

  • smart development that meets the demands of our growing community;
  • appropriate locations for buildings and structures like homes, shops, parks, offices, and industrial buildings;
  • a network of infrastructure, including roads, water mains, sewers, and transit.

Successful planning protects the environment, supports economic growth, conserves cultural heritage and contributes to a unique sense of place.

How does it work?

Potential development applications to redevelop sites in Lincoln are subject to local, regional and Provincial policies. These include:

  • Planning Act – Planning in Ontario is governed by the provincial Planning Act. The Act sets out the steps that municipalities must follow during planning processes such as the requirement for public notice, and ensures municipalities make decisions that align with provincial policies such as environmental protection and the preservation of farmland.
  • Provincial legislation – The Provincial Policy Statement and the Greenbelt Act which identify where and how much development can occur throughout Ontario
  • Niagara Regional Official Plan – the blueprint for growth in all of Niagara region
  • Town of Lincoln Official Plan – conforms to the Regional official plan and provides choices and opportunities for housing, employment, transportation, social, recreational and cultural amenities
  • Zoning By-law - its purpose is to implement the Official Plan and applies to specific properties. It determines what kind of land uses are allowed, the building envelope/size and how they’re sited, and how such items as landscaped open space should be incorporated.

Applications go through a public process to ensure community feedback is taken into consideration and compatibility with the community is evaluated for each potential development. In most cases, upon the Town’s receipt of a planning application, nearby residents will receive notification, as per the Planning Act.

What does development look like in Lincoln?

The Town of Lincoln embraces smart growth principles to achieve sustainable development. This means:

  • Creating vibrant urban centres;
  • Sustaining a strong economy;
  • Ensuring a healthy environment;
  • Combatting urban sprawl through infill and higher density development;
  • Improving the quality of life for residents – to provide better access to transit, better public realm amenities in the neighbourhood, and supporting growth through new or renewed infrastructure.

The Role of the Planning & Development Department

The Planning and Development Department is responsible for reviewing and providing a recommendation to Council regarding development applications. All applications require a process of review and decisions but not all applications require the same steps.

The step-by-step process for consent and minor variances and zoning by-law amendments (at right) are examples where an application requires a public process to come to a Committee and/or Council decision. For example, a pool application may not require a public meeting, and in some cases, the approval authority has been delegated by Council to staff.

Get Involved

Learn about upcoming projects that have an impact on our community and share your feedback here!

  • Contact the Planning and Development Department
    1. If you receive a notice about a proposed development in your neighbourhood, contact or email the planner for more information.
    2. If you see a development proposal sign in your neighbourhood, make note of the telephone number, file number and address of the property for more information.
  • Attend public meetings
    1. Individuals can register to speak at the Committee of Adjustment meetings and have 10 minutes to present your thoughts and concerns about a development.

Planning affects everyone. It determines where you will live, shop, gather, work or go to school. For example, changes made to the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw can impact the height and density of new development. Design guidelines can impact the architecture and design elements you see on buildings and structures.

Because planning impacts what we see and the types of spaces we enjoy in our community, the planning process provides opportunities for public input. Under the Planning Act of Ontario, municipalities are required to notify the public, hold public meetings and request input on important planning decisions.

Open Houses & Public Meetings

Get Involved

3411, 3417, 3423, 3429 Rittenhouse Road, Vineland

An application has been submitted by Arcadis on behalf of the owners of the properties known municipally as 3411, 3417, 3423, 3429 Rittenhouse Road in Vineland. The purpose of the proposed application is to rezone the subject lands from Institutional (I) and Residential 2 (R2) to a Residential Multiple (RM2) Zone with site specific provisions to redevelop the lands for a new 31 bed home for special care and a 26 unit residential apartment building with a total of 40 parking spaces. The application represents a resubmission/revision to an earlier submission.

An Open House was held on June 26, 2024 at the Rittenhouse Library in Vineland and a Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 8, 2024 at Town Hal.

For more information on the proposal, see folder on the right hand side of this page.

4933 Victoria Avenue North, Vineland

Applications have been submitted for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment by Landwise on behalf of the owners of the property municipally known as 4933 Victoria Avenue North, Lincoln. The purpose of the proposed applications is to permit a mixed-use building with commercial, hotel (130 suites) and residential (396 units) uses. The proposed building is comprised of four building sections of varying heights, up to 15-storeys, connected by a 4-storey podium.

An informal Public Information Centre was held on June 27th, 2024 to provide an opportunity to meet one-on-one with the Applicant team and Town staff, view display boards to learn more about the development proposal, ask questions and share feedback. A Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 8th, 2024. The Public Meeting was an opportunity to have your say on the development proposal.

The Town received questions from residents regarding the proposed development and provided a summary of the Town responses. View the document here

For more information on the proposal, see folder on the right hand side of this page.

3821-3827 Main Street, Jordan

A Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted to permit the construction of a 49 room hotel.

An open house was held on March 20th to provide information and obtain public input related to this project.

The Town of Lincoln held a public meeting on April 2, 2024.

3221 North Service Road

For details on the development project at 3221 North Service Road and the recent settlement with the developer, please visit the Prudhommes Development Site webpage.

The Planning Process & Why It Matters

Communities need to plan for the future. In Ontario communities, new developments undergo an extensive process well before shovels hit the ground. In a growing community like Lincoln, it may seem that development happens quickly.

In reality, there is much planning, consideration and opportunity for public engagement that are important aspects of the planning process. The process can often be years in the making and takes many factors into account – some within the Town’s control and some determined by legislation at higher levels of government.

Through various documents and bylaws, planning provides a framework for:

  • smart development that meets the demands of our growing community;
  • appropriate locations for buildings and structures like homes, shops, parks, offices, and industrial buildings;
  • a network of infrastructure, including roads, water mains, sewers, and transit.

Successful planning protects the environment, supports economic growth, conserves cultural heritage and contributes to a unique sense of place.

How does it work?

Potential development applications to redevelop sites in Lincoln are subject to local, regional and Provincial policies. These include:

  • Planning Act – Planning in Ontario is governed by the provincial Planning Act. The Act sets out the steps that municipalities must follow during planning processes such as the requirement for public notice, and ensures municipalities make decisions that align with provincial policies such as environmental protection and the preservation of farmland.
  • Provincial legislation – The Provincial Policy Statement and the Greenbelt Act which identify where and how much development can occur throughout Ontario
  • Niagara Regional Official Plan – the blueprint for growth in all of Niagara region
  • Town of Lincoln Official Plan – conforms to the Regional official plan and provides choices and opportunities for housing, employment, transportation, social, recreational and cultural amenities
  • Zoning By-law - its purpose is to implement the Official Plan and applies to specific properties. It determines what kind of land uses are allowed, the building envelope/size and how they’re sited, and how such items as landscaped open space should be incorporated.

Applications go through a public process to ensure community feedback is taken into consideration and compatibility with the community is evaluated for each potential development. In most cases, upon the Town’s receipt of a planning application, nearby residents will receive notification, as per the Planning Act.

What does development look like in Lincoln?

The Town of Lincoln embraces smart growth principles to achieve sustainable development. This means:

  • Creating vibrant urban centres;
  • Sustaining a strong economy;
  • Ensuring a healthy environment;
  • Combatting urban sprawl through infill and higher density development;
  • Improving the quality of life for residents – to provide better access to transit, better public realm amenities in the neighbourhood, and supporting growth through new or renewed infrastructure.

The Role of the Planning & Development Department

The Planning and Development Department is responsible for reviewing and providing a recommendation to Council regarding development applications. All applications require a process of review and decisions but not all applications require the same steps.

The step-by-step process for consent and minor variances and zoning by-law amendments (at right) are examples where an application requires a public process to come to a Committee and/or Council decision. For example, a pool application may not require a public meeting, and in some cases, the approval authority has been delegated by Council to staff.

Get Involved

Learn about upcoming projects that have an impact on our community and share your feedback here!

  • Contact the Planning and Development Department
    1. If you receive a notice about a proposed development in your neighbourhood, contact or email the planner for more information.
    2. If you see a development proposal sign in your neighbourhood, make note of the telephone number, file number and address of the property for more information.
  • Attend public meetings
    1. Individuals can register to speak at the Committee of Adjustment meetings and have 10 minutes to present your thoughts and concerns about a development.

Planning affects everyone. It determines where you will live, shop, gather, work or go to school. For example, changes made to the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw can impact the height and density of new development. Design guidelines can impact the architecture and design elements you see on buildings and structures.

Because planning impacts what we see and the types of spaces we enjoy in our community, the planning process provides opportunities for public input. Under the Planning Act of Ontario, municipalities are required to notify the public, hold public meetings and request input on important planning decisions.

Do you have any questions about development in Lincoln?

We hope this page offers some more information on how development occurs in Ontario, Niagara Region and Lincoln. If you have any further questions, or questions about specific developments, please send it here and we will do our best to reply within 2-3 business days. 

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    Madera on Hillsview Dr general information

    Marilyn asked 3 months ago

    Thank you for your question. The development at 4390 Hillview Drive has been site plan approved for a 575 sq. m four-storey mixed use building containing 15 residential units, 1 commercial unit and 17 parking spaces.

  • Share This is more of a comment than question: Greetings: In my opinion certain aspects of this development seems redundant and unnecessary considering the Prudhommes Landing project immediately east of Victoria Shores sub-division. Specifically I am referring the retail/commercial elements. We have all heard of the housing crisis in Ontario and in fact the entire country. We do not however hear of similar pressing needs for amenities such restaurants, spas, hotels... With what is planned for the Prudhommes Landing project, provision of an excess of retail and commercial facilities will prove underused and non-sustainable. This applies morsoe to this proposal vs. the larger Prudhommes project due to lesser prominence and lesser visibility for locals/QEW through-traffic. The 4933 Vic Ave should be primarily if not entirely medium density residential (condos, small detached and town homes) to add a base populace to frequent the services in Prud Landing, as well as meet a basic need of an ever-aging and continually growing (immigration) population base. For consideration. Roy DiDonato on Facebook Share This is more of a comment than question: Greetings: In my opinion certain aspects of this development seems redundant and unnecessary considering the Prudhommes Landing project immediately east of Victoria Shores sub-division. Specifically I am referring the retail/commercial elements. We have all heard of the housing crisis in Ontario and in fact the entire country. We do not however hear of similar pressing needs for amenities such restaurants, spas, hotels... With what is planned for the Prudhommes Landing project, provision of an excess of retail and commercial facilities will prove underused and non-sustainable. This applies morsoe to this proposal vs. the larger Prudhommes project due to lesser prominence and lesser visibility for locals/QEW through-traffic. The 4933 Vic Ave should be primarily if not entirely medium density residential (condos, small detached and town homes) to add a base populace to frequent the services in Prud Landing, as well as meet a basic need of an ever-aging and continually growing (immigration) population base. For consideration. Roy DiDonato on Twitter Share This is more of a comment than question: Greetings: In my opinion certain aspects of this development seems redundant and unnecessary considering the Prudhommes Landing project immediately east of Victoria Shores sub-division. Specifically I am referring the retail/commercial elements. We have all heard of the housing crisis in Ontario and in fact the entire country. We do not however hear of similar pressing needs for amenities such restaurants, spas, hotels... With what is planned for the Prudhommes Landing project, provision of an excess of retail and commercial facilities will prove underused and non-sustainable. This applies morsoe to this proposal vs. the larger Prudhommes project due to lesser prominence and lesser visibility for locals/QEW through-traffic. The 4933 Vic Ave should be primarily if not entirely medium density residential (condos, small detached and town homes) to add a base populace to frequent the services in Prud Landing, as well as meet a basic need of an ever-aging and continually growing (immigration) population base. For consideration. Roy DiDonato on Linkedin Email This is more of a comment than question: Greetings: In my opinion certain aspects of this development seems redundant and unnecessary considering the Prudhommes Landing project immediately east of Victoria Shores sub-division. Specifically I am referring the retail/commercial elements. We have all heard of the housing crisis in Ontario and in fact the entire country. We do not however hear of similar pressing needs for amenities such restaurants, spas, hotels... With what is planned for the Prudhommes Landing project, provision of an excess of retail and commercial facilities will prove underused and non-sustainable. This applies morsoe to this proposal vs. the larger Prudhommes project due to lesser prominence and lesser visibility for locals/QEW through-traffic. The 4933 Vic Ave should be primarily if not entirely medium density residential (condos, small detached and town homes) to add a base populace to frequent the services in Prud Landing, as well as meet a basic need of an ever-aging and continually growing (immigration) population base. For consideration. Roy DiDonato link

    This is more of a comment than question: Greetings: In my opinion certain aspects of this development seems redundant and unnecessary considering the Prudhommes Landing project immediately east of Victoria Shores sub-division. Specifically I am referring the retail/commercial elements. We have all heard of the housing crisis in Ontario and in fact the entire country. We do not however hear of similar pressing needs for amenities such restaurants, spas, hotels... With what is planned for the Prudhommes Landing project, provision of an excess of retail and commercial facilities will prove underused and non-sustainable. This applies morsoe to this proposal vs. the larger Prudhommes project due to lesser prominence and lesser visibility for locals/QEW through-traffic. The 4933 Vic Ave should be primarily if not entirely medium density residential (condos, small detached and town homes) to add a base populace to frequent the services in Prud Landing, as well as meet a basic need of an ever-aging and continually growing (immigration) population base. For consideration. Roy DiDonato

    Roy DiDonato asked 9 months ago

    Thank you for your comment.  Please note that while comments submitted on this site will help staff in the development of Town initiatives, they will not become part of the public record and therefore cannot be used as a grounds to appeal any decision related to development applications of the Council of the Town of Lincoln.  If a person or public body wishes to be entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Town of Lincoln to the Ontario Land Tribunal, the person or public body must make a verbal submission at a public meeting or make a written submission to the Clerk of the Town of Lincoln.  

    If you would like to be added to the Town’s notification list for this development, please contact Planning staff directly at

    With respect to your comment on the retail/commercial elements of the development proposal, the whole Prudhommes Secondary Plan area was always envisioned to be a complete community and specifically, this site has been long considered for mixed uses and is currently designated as such.  For the Prudhommes Secondary Plan area in general, there was an extensive public consultation process that was undertaken to identify some of these core principles with the overarching goal of establishing a complete community. Complete communities are those designed to meet the needs of existing and future residents. This includes providing a range of housing stock to accommodate a larger demographic; the provision of smaller and larger scale retail and commercial opportunities to provide residents with places to shop as well as potential employment opportunities; a large, open, and publicly accessible waterfront area; and a connected and walkable community via the provision of sidewalks throughout and connectivity to adjacent areas. Further, this area has long been envisioned as a destination area, providing a range of amenities that not only provide services to residents within, but also those coming from other communities to showcase Lincoln’s diverse offerings. The built form was always intended to vary, typically with more density occurring at the east end of the Secondary Plan area. 

    For the subject lands, there was recognition that these lands are ideal for a mixed-use type development due to the desirable location and spatial separation via greenspace from other lower density uses. The site was previously industrial and therefore a significant driver of employment type land uses. There are limited lands to provide significant employment in the Town, highlighting the importance of providing a mix of uses (retail and commercial lands and residential) where feasible.

    However, all of the above being said, there is recognition in the Secondary Plan policy framework that consideration needs to be given to transition to existing communities.

  • Share Do Institutional properties ( for church/religious use) find their way into your planning because we have been looking for 14 years and are coming up empty. It seems to me that there is always expansion for many things but I NEVER see allotments for those purposes. We have been renting in Lincoln for a Long time and need our own facility…maybe you can help explain to me how our Town is going to find room for us amidst the wineries and housing developments on Facebook Share Do Institutional properties ( for church/religious use) find their way into your planning because we have been looking for 14 years and are coming up empty. It seems to me that there is always expansion for many things but I NEVER see allotments for those purposes. We have been renting in Lincoln for a Long time and need our own facility…maybe you can help explain to me how our Town is going to find room for us amidst the wineries and housing developments on Twitter Share Do Institutional properties ( for church/religious use) find their way into your planning because we have been looking for 14 years and are coming up empty. It seems to me that there is always expansion for many things but I NEVER see allotments for those purposes. We have been renting in Lincoln for a Long time and need our own facility…maybe you can help explain to me how our Town is going to find room for us amidst the wineries and housing developments on Linkedin Email Do Institutional properties ( for church/religious use) find their way into your planning because we have been looking for 14 years and are coming up empty. It seems to me that there is always expansion for many things but I NEVER see allotments for those purposes. We have been renting in Lincoln for a Long time and need our own facility…maybe you can help explain to me how our Town is going to find room for us amidst the wineries and housing developments link

    Do Institutional properties ( for church/religious use) find their way into your planning because we have been looking for 14 years and are coming up empty. It seems to me that there is always expansion for many things but I NEVER see allotments for those purposes. We have been renting in Lincoln for a Long time and need our own facility…maybe you can help explain to me how our Town is going to find room for us amidst the wineries and housing developments

    Kim asked 11 months ago

    Thanks for your question. There are multiple properties with land use permissions in the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law that would permit religious uses. These are typically properties with institutional zoning in place. If there is interest in implementing a religious use on these or any other property that doesn’t currently have appropriate land use permission, Town staff would evaluate based on the specifics of the request. 

    Town staff do not normally arbitrarily change land use permissions on subject lands but rather consider potential changes through extensive liaison with the subject property owner who initiates this discussion. As such, staff would consider appropriate land use permissions based on the circumstance. 

  • Share When is the developer expected to break ground at Prud’homme’s landing? When is the condo sales office expected to open? How can I be put on an email list to be notified about any more public meetings to do with this fantastic project? Thanks so much. on Facebook Share When is the developer expected to break ground at Prud’homme’s landing? When is the condo sales office expected to open? How can I be put on an email list to be notified about any more public meetings to do with this fantastic project? Thanks so much. on Twitter Share When is the developer expected to break ground at Prud’homme’s landing? When is the condo sales office expected to open? How can I be put on an email list to be notified about any more public meetings to do with this fantastic project? Thanks so much. on Linkedin Email When is the developer expected to break ground at Prud’homme’s landing? When is the condo sales office expected to open? How can I be put on an email list to be notified about any more public meetings to do with this fantastic project? Thanks so much. link

    When is the developer expected to break ground at Prud’homme’s landing? When is the condo sales office expected to open? How can I be put on an email list to be notified about any more public meetings to do with this fantastic project? Thanks so much.

    Marie Fitzpatrick asked 10 months ago

    Thank you for your question. Please contact Planning staff directly at to be added to the Town’s notification list for this development.  A sales office is anticipated to be constructed in 2024.  

    For updates regarding the development, please visit our Prudhommes Development page on this site. 



    SUE william asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for your question.  Depending on the development proposal and potential impacts to natural environment areas, an Environmental Impact Study may be required to be submitted as part of a development application.  This study would determine the impacts of a proposed development and the mitigation measures recommended to protect ecological features.  These are reviewed by the Town, Niagara Region, and Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority staff to ensure that proposed developments adhere to all applicable guidelines and policies.   

    If a development site has potential contamination concerns, then the Town would require a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment to be submitted with a development application.  An Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) involves the study of a property to determine if contaminants are present and, if so, the location and concentration of these contaminants. An ESA would also include recommendations on the remediation required, if any, to address soil, groundwater and/or sediment standards.

  • Share Hi, With regards to 3221 North Service Road, has the town developed the area, in terms of road, sewers, gas, electrical...... ? Any time estimates? Thanks on Facebook Share Hi, With regards to 3221 North Service Road, has the town developed the area, in terms of road, sewers, gas, electrical...... ? Any time estimates? Thanks on Twitter Share Hi, With regards to 3221 North Service Road, has the town developed the area, in terms of road, sewers, gas, electrical...... ? Any time estimates? Thanks on Linkedin Email Hi, With regards to 3221 North Service Road, has the town developed the area, in terms of road, sewers, gas, electrical...... ? Any time estimates? Thanks link

    Hi, With regards to 3221 North Service Road, has the town developed the area, in terms of road, sewers, gas, electrical...... ? Any time estimates? Thanks

    James asked about 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question regarding 3221 North Service Road. Municipal water and sanitary infrastructure upgrades are being phased as development of the area progresses and initial works with respect to this have commenced.  Upgrades to the road are required to be installed prior to completion of the development.  With respect to utilities, this is coordinated directly between the utility providers and the developer.

  • Share Hello. Im curious about the development on King street across from Lenko Farms. can you tell me what it is ? I believe its PT LT 19 CON 3 CLINTON, PT 1 30R5929; LINCOLN. Thank you on Facebook Share Hello. Im curious about the development on King street across from Lenko Farms. can you tell me what it is ? I believe its PT LT 19 CON 3 CLINTON, PT 1 30R5929; LINCOLN. Thank you on Twitter Share Hello. Im curious about the development on King street across from Lenko Farms. can you tell me what it is ? I believe its PT LT 19 CON 3 CLINTON, PT 1 30R5929; LINCOLN. Thank you on Linkedin Email Hello. Im curious about the development on King street across from Lenko Farms. can you tell me what it is ? I believe its PT LT 19 CON 3 CLINTON, PT 1 30R5929; LINCOLN. Thank you link

    Hello. Im curious about the development on King street across from Lenko Farms. can you tell me what it is ? I believe its PT LT 19 CON 3 CLINTON, PT 1 30R5929; LINCOLN. Thank you

    John S asked 9 months ago

    Thank you for your question. The property owner has obtained a permit from the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority for creek realignment, stabilization and restoration of lands. Please contact the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority for further information regarding these works.You can reach out to: Meghan Birbeck, Watershed Planner –  905-788-3135, ext. 278.

  • Share Hi, With regards to "3221 North Service", has the developer submitted the site plan yet and normally how long do you estimate it takes to approve the 2 tower condo ? Also, is the land developed yet with sewers, gas line, electricity, roads..... Thanks, on Facebook Share Hi, With regards to "3221 North Service", has the developer submitted the site plan yet and normally how long do you estimate it takes to approve the 2 tower condo ? Also, is the land developed yet with sewers, gas line, electricity, roads..... Thanks, on Twitter Share Hi, With regards to "3221 North Service", has the developer submitted the site plan yet and normally how long do you estimate it takes to approve the 2 tower condo ? Also, is the land developed yet with sewers, gas line, electricity, roads..... Thanks, on Linkedin Email Hi, With regards to "3221 North Service", has the developer submitted the site plan yet and normally how long do you estimate it takes to approve the 2 tower condo ? Also, is the land developed yet with sewers, gas line, electricity, roads..... Thanks, link

    Hi, With regards to "3221 North Service", has the developer submitted the site plan yet and normally how long do you estimate it takes to approve the 2 tower condo ? Also, is the land developed yet with sewers, gas line, electricity, roads..... Thanks,

    James asked 10 months ago

    3221 North Service Road. Although there are Provincial requirements associated with site plan application processing, at this time we cannot provide anticipated timelines for this application to proceed through the process, since the Town has not yet been provided an opportunity to review corresponding technical details. Regarding servicing the site, the design associated with connections required by the proposed development is a component of the site plan process, which has not yet commenced. 

    If you’d like to discuss the general site plan process in further detail, please contact staff directly. Otherwise, please feel free to continue to check in with us on this file.

  • Share Hello, how do I sign-up to receive updates and notices regarding active projects ?? Roy DiDonato on Facebook Share Hello, how do I sign-up to receive updates and notices regarding active projects ?? Roy DiDonato on Twitter Share Hello, how do I sign-up to receive updates and notices regarding active projects ?? Roy DiDonato on Linkedin Email Hello, how do I sign-up to receive updates and notices regarding active projects ?? Roy DiDonato link

    Hello, how do I sign-up to receive updates and notices regarding active projects ?? Roy DiDonato

    Roy DiDonato asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for your question. The Town’s Speak Up Lincoln webpage is regularly updated when new projects are brought forward. You can review notices and all associated documentation on the project’s webpage. You may also contact the Planning & Development Department if you wish to receive updates on a particular project. If you have attended a meeting regarding a project and have provided your contact information, you will also receive updates on the project.

  • Share Is there any idea to have more public parks in Vineland near intensification in urban center? Walkability? A proper large well designed public park? Town square/market? on Facebook Share Is there any idea to have more public parks in Vineland near intensification in urban center? Walkability? A proper large well designed public park? Town square/market? on Twitter Share Is there any idea to have more public parks in Vineland near intensification in urban center? Walkability? A proper large well designed public park? Town square/market? on Linkedin Email Is there any idea to have more public parks in Vineland near intensification in urban center? Walkability? A proper large well designed public park? Town square/market? link

    Is there any idea to have more public parks in Vineland near intensification in urban center? Walkability? A proper large well designed public park? Town square/market?

    Visco asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for your question. 

    Staff continue to review opportunities including new and innovative ways of accommodating more open space. In addition, as redevelopment of the downtown occurs over time, the concept of a farmer’s market is something that the Town will also continue to explore in partnership with property owners in the area. 

    Further, the Town is planning to undertake a streetscape vision and master planning exercise for downtown Vineland in the near future (start date to be confirmed). Many of these considerations will be included in this project.

Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024, 12:29 PM