The Planning Process & Why It Matters

Communities need to plan for the future. In Ontario communities, new developments undergo an extensive process well before shovels hit the ground. In a growing community like Lincoln, it may seem that development happens quickly.

In reality, there is much planning, consideration and opportunity for public engagement that are important aspects of the planning process. The process can often be years in the making and takes many factors into account – some within the Town’s control and some determined by legislation at higher levels of government.

Through various documents and bylaws, planning provides a framework for:

  • smart development that meets the demands of our growing community;
  • appropriate locations for buildings and structures like homes, shops, parks, offices, and industrial buildings;
  • a network of infrastructure, including roads, water mains, sewers, and transit.

Successful planning protects the environment, supports economic growth, conserves cultural heritage and contributes to a unique sense of place.

Active Development Applications in Lincoln

An application has been submitted by Upper Canada Consultants to permit a plan of subdivision known as Tintern Estates on the lands located on the north side of Spring Creek Road and the west side of Tintern Road in Tintern. The draft plan of subdivision proposes 11 single detached lots.

The Town of Lincoln will be hosting an Open House to provide more information on:

  • Date: February 12, 2025
  • Time: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Location: Beamsville Room | Town Hall | 4800 South Service Rd., Beamsville

Feedback from the Open House will inform the recommendation report that will be brought forward to Committee of the Whole on March 17, 2025.

For more information, see the related documents on the right hand side of this page.

Applications were submitted for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment by Landwise on behalf of the owners of the property municipally known as 4933 Victoria Avenue North, Lincoln.

An informal Public Information Centre was held on June 27th, 2024 to provide an opportunity to meet one-on-one with the Applicant team and Town staff, view display boards to learn more about the development proposal, ask questions and share feedback. A Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 8th, 2024. The Town received questions from residents regarding the proposed development and provided a summary of the Town responses. View the document here

A recommendation report was brought forward to Council on December 2, 2024.

The proposed development has been revised since the public meeting. Details on the changes can be found in the meeting notice. The revised concept plan along with the architectural and landscape plans can be found to the right of this page.

An application has been submitted by Arcadis on behalf of the owners of the properties known municipally as 3411, 3417, 3423, 3429 Rittenhouse Road in Vineland. The purpose of the proposed application is to rezone the subject lands from Institutional (I) and Residential 2 (R2) to a Residential Multiple (RM2) Zone with site specific provisions to redevelop the lands for a new 31 bed home for special care and a 26 unit residential apartment building with a total of 42 parking spaces. The application represents a resubmission/revision to an earlier submission.

An Open House was held on June 26, 2024 at the Rittenhouse Library in Vineland and a Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 8, 2024 at Town Hall.

A recommendation report was brought forward to Council on Monday, December 2, 2024.

For more information on the proposal, see the documents on the right hand side of this page.

A Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted to permit the construction of a 49 room hotel.

An open house was held on March 20th to provide information and obtain public input related to this project.

The Town of Lincoln held a public meeting on April 2, 2024.

For details on the development project at 3221 North Service Road and the recent settlement with the developer, please visit the Prudhommes Development Site webpage.

Understanding Development in Lincoln

How it Works

Potential development applications to redevelop sites in Lincoln are subject to local, regional and Provincial policies. These include:

  • Planning Act: This Ontario legislation governs planning processes, requiring public notice and alignment with provincial policies like environmental protection and farmland preservation.
  • Provincial Legislation: The Provincial Policy Statement and the Greenbelt Act establish where and how much development can occur across Ontario.
  • Niagara Regional Official Plan: This blueprint guides growth throughout the Niagara region.
  • Town of Lincoln Official Plan: Aligned with the Regional Plan, it provides a framework for housing, employment, transportation, recreation, and cultural amenities.
  • Zoning By-law: This by-law implements the Official Plan at the property level, regulating land use, building size, placement, and landscaped open spaces.

Applications go through a public process to ensure community feedback is taken into consideration and compatibility with the community is evaluated for each potential development. In most cases, upon the Town’s receipt of a planning application, nearby residents will receive notification, as per the Planning Act.

What it Looks Like

The Town of Lincoln prioritizes smart growth principles for sustainable development by:

  • Creating vibrant urban centres;
  • Sustaining a strong economy;
  • Ensuring a healthy environment;
  • Combatting urban sprawl through infill and higher density development;
  • Improving the quality of life for residents – to provide better access to transit, better public realm amenities in the neighbourhood, and supporting growth through new or renewed infrastructure

Smart Growth Principle Chart

The Role of the Planning & Development Department

The Planning and Development Department is responsible for reviewing and providing a recommendation to Council regarding development applications. All applications require a process of review and decisions but not all applications require the same steps.

The step-by-step process for consent and minor variances and zoning by-law amendments (at right) are examples where an application requires a public process to come to a Committee and/or Council decision. For example, a pool application may not require a public meeting, and in some cases, the approval authority has been delegated by Council to staff.

Get Involved

Learn about upcoming projects that have an impact on our community and share your feedback here!

  • Contact the Planning and Development Department
    • If you receive a notice about a proposed development in your neighbourhood, contact or email the planner for more information.
    • If you see a development proposal sign in your neighbourhood, make note of the telephone number, file number and address of the property for more informaion.
  • Attend Public Meetings
    • Individuals can register to speak at the Committee of Adjustment meetings and have 10 minutes to present your thoughts and concerns about a development.

Planning affects everyone. It determines where you will live, shop, gather, work or go to school. For example, changes made to the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw can impact the height and density of new development. Design guidelines can impact the architecture and design elements you see on buildings and structures.

Because planning impacts what we see and the types of spaces we enjoy in our community, the planning process provides opportunities for public input. Under the Planning Act of Ontario, municipalities are required to notify the public, hold public meetings and request input on important planning decisions.

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