Development Charges By-law Review
Development Charges (DCs) are fees collected from builders and developers at the building permit stage to help pay for the cost of infrastructure required to provide municipal services to new development, including roads, fire protection, parks and recreation, library, water, wastewater, and stormwater drainage.
The principle behind DCs is that growth should pay for growth. DCs ease the financial burden on existing taxpayers to fund new services as a result of growth. Without DCs, the costs for additional infrastructure would be borne by the existing property owners in the form of higher property taxes and user fees.
The Town’s Development Charges By-law No. 2018-93 was approved by Council on October 1, 2018. By-law No. 2018-93 was updated in 2022 through the approval by Council of By-law No. 2022-30.
The Town of Lincoln updated its Development Charges By-law under the authority of the Development Charges Act, 1997 and associated regulations. A Development Charge Background Study was completed, and the new Development Charge By-laws were adopted by Council on April 15, 2024. The new Development Charges By-law #'s 2024-28, 2024-29, 2024-30, 2024-31, 2024-32, 2024-33, 2024-34 and 2024-35 came into effect on April 30, 2024.
For more information on the current DCs and background please visit: Development Charges on our website.
Get Involved
The consultation process for the project has been completed.