Prudhommes Development Site
The Prudhommes Secondary Plan area is over 50 hectares in size and is bounded by Lake Ontario on the north, the QEW on the south, Jordan Road on the east and Victoria Avenue on the west.
The Prudhommes Secondary Plan provides a vision and planning framework that will guide development of a complete community including residential, commercial, employment, parks and open space uses. It includes policies that set land use designations, permitted uses, building heights, urban design and public realm guidelines, servicing strategies and implementation policies.
The Prudhommes Secondary Plan (OPA 3) was adopted by Town Council on April 16, 2018, and approved with modifications on July 26, 2018, by Niagara Region Council. The decision for the lands on the east side of Jordan Harbour have been deferred by Regional Council until conformity with the Greenbelt Plan can be achieved.

Prudhommes Secondary Plan Area
Prudhommes Secondary Plan | Active Development Sites
The subject lands are approximately 32 hectares and are municipally known as 3245, 3293, 3305, 3319, 3325, 3335, and 3339 North Service Road, generally located east of Victoria Avenue North and west of Jordan Harbour.
The Prudhommes Landing Subdivision has received draft plan of subdivision approval. The purpose of a Draft Plan of Subdivision is to develop land in an orderly manner by making sure that proper infrastructure and municipal services will be in place. A draft plan subdivides property into parcels or lots, and establishes new public streets, parks and open space lands.
Planning activity to-date:
- On July 22, 2019, Council approved a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision subject to conditions for the subject lands referred to as Prudhommes Landing Subdivision.
- The Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications were submitted to permit approximately 1,559 residential units consisting of a range of low density, medium density, high density, and mixed use housing forms, and employment, commercial, natural environment, park and open space uses.
- Public input on the proposed draft & concept plan occurred at two open houses on March 26, 2019, and a formal public and Council meeting on April 8, 2019
- As a result of the input received, an updated concept plan & draft plan were submitted by the developer and at the July 22, 2019 Council Meeting, Council approved the Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision subject to conditions.
- On July 11, 2022, Council passed the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2022-50 that includes updates within the Prudhommes Secondary Plan Area to implement the Secondary Plan’s vision for a walkable, mixed use waterfront neighbourhood.
- On June 26, 2023, Council approved a Zoning By-law Amendment for the Commercial Mixed Use Block (3335 North Service Road) within Prudhommes Landing Subdivision to permit the development of: a six-storey mixed use building with ground floor commercial and residential dwelling units above; two single-storey restaurant buildings with drive-thru facilities; and a vehicle fueling station with convenience store.
- On June 3, 2024, Council approved a modification to the Prudhommes Landing draft plan of subdivision. The purpose of this modification is to revise the initial draft plan that was approved by Council in 2019 in order to align with the updated zoning for the site. The proposed modification to the draft plan is consistent with the concept plan and Zoning By-law Amendment which was approved by Council on July 11, 2022. The draft plan proposes approximately 3,405 residential units consisting of a range of low density, medium density, high density, and mixed use housing forms, and employment, commercial, natural environment, park and open space uses.
Applications have been submitted for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment by Landwise on behalf of the owners of the property municipally known as 4933 Victoria Avenue North, Lincoln.
The purpose of the proposed applications is to permit a mixed-use building with commercial, hotel (130 suites) and residential (396 units) uses. The proposed building is comprised of four building sections of varying heights, up to 15-storeys, connected by a 4-storey podium.
The Town received questions from residents regarding the proposed development (January 2024) and provided a summary of Town responses. View the Question and Answer document here.
For more information on the proposal, see folder on the right hand side of this page.
Planning activity to-date:
- A Community Information Meeting was held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. The meeting was hosted by T. Johns Consulting Group with a presentation followed by question and answer open forum.
- An informal Public Information Centre was held on June 27, 2024 to provide an opportunity to meet one-on-one with the Applicant team and Town staff, view display boards to learn more about the development proposal, ask questions and share feedback.
- A Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 8, 2024. The Public Meeting was an opportunity to provide further input on the development proposal.
There has been a successful resolution regarding the development project on the north side of North Service Road, east of Victoria Avenue North.
In 2020, a Zoning By-law Amendment application was submitted on behalf of the landowner at 3221 North Service Road to permit the construction of a high-rise residential building with two towers. In 2022, Council decided to refuse the Zoning By-law Amendment application for the proposed development. Following this decision, the developer appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, citing consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, recent Provincial policy direction, and the new Regional Official Plan. After thorough negotiations, the Town has reached a settlement that delivers significant financial savings and benefits to the community.
The Town’s goal was to secure a settlement that aligns with the Prudhommes Secondary Plan, ensuring a compact, high-rise built form that complements the surrounding area.
Key Highlights of the Settlement:
- Financial Benefits: The Town has negotiated a financial contribution of $1,000,000 from the developer, which will be paid in installments. This funding will support local infrastructure and community projects.
- Development Details: The proposed development includes two high-rise towers connected by a podium. The design aligns with the Prudhommes Secondary Plan’s Minor Gateway vision. Since the OLT settlement, the developer has made further refinements to the development proposal based on advancements in the technical design process. Due to constraints with underground parking, which impacted the ability to maximize parking spaces, the solution involved increasing the above-ground podium levels. This adjustment was necessary to address technical challenges and is not intended to significantly increase the number of units. The development proposal now includes 461 residential units and overall building heights of 23 and 26 stories, reflecting only a minor increase in unit count from previous plans. These refinements were approved by the Committee of Adjustment on July 23, 2024, through a Minor Variance application by the developer.
- Parking and Accessibility: The development will provide resident and visitor parking spaces, along with long-term bicycle spaces, ensuring adequate parking and promoting sustainable transportation options.
- Cost Savings: By reaching this settlement, the Town avoids potential legal and consultant costs. Additionally, we mitigate the risk of paying penalties and legal costs to the developer.
This agreement reflects our commitment to responsible development that benefits our community while respecting the principles of good urban planning.