Greenlane Road Reconstruction with Multi-Use Pathway

Project Background

In 2022, Greenlane was originally planned to be reconstructed between Lincoln Avenue and King Street, including a new multi-use pathway (MUP). Other infrastructure needs have since been identified on Greenlane, including watermain replacement, creek erosion repairs, bridge replacement at Konkle Creek and safe Active Transportation connections. This has forced a shift in priority to the road section to the east between Lincoln Avenue and Cedarbrook Lane. Therefore, it is now proposed that these other identified infrastructure needs be addressed under Phase 1A in 2025 and that the previously identified works on Greenlane be deferred to a later date under a future second Phase 1B, given the cost and scale of the overall project.

Proposed Construction Improvements

  • Separate cycling and pedestrian facilities in an in-boulevard multi-use path
  • Existing culverts will be extended and rehabilitated as necessary
  • Streetlighting improvements
  • Road widening
  • New road surface
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Connectivity to the new West Niagara Secondary School and the Konkle Creek Trail

The project will align with several of the Town's plans, including:

Project Location

Greenlane Phase 1 Map

Greenlane Road (Lincoln Avenue to Cedarbrook Lane)

Project Sub-Phases

Phase 1A includes reconstructing the section of Greenlane from Lincoln Avenue to Cedarbrook Lane to an urban standard, including new storm sewers, curb and gutter, a multi-use pathway, sidewalk and large culvert replacements. The Town’s local watermain along with the regional transmission watermain will also be replaced from Lincoln Avenue to Ontario Street.

Project Update

The design for phase 1A is 90% complete. The project team is finalizing the plans and contract documents and aims to go to public tender in November 2024.

What to Expect Next

The Town will hold a Public Meeting to provide the community with an opportunity to view the final design plans and provide feedback in late September. Another notice will be mailed to residents, providing specific dates, times, and instructions on how they can get involved in the project.

We Need Your Input

Please contact Jemma Lynch by emailing or call 905-563-2799 ext. 264 to coordinate a meeting if you:

  • Have your sump pump discharging to the ditch.
  • Have any irrigation in the Town’s right of way.

Phase 1B of the project involves widening and reconstructing the rural section of Greenlane from Lincoln Avenue to King Street. This portion of Greenlane has been identified for road improvements and links with the District School Board of Niagara's new West Niagara Secondary School on King Street. This road improvement will provide community connectivity and promote active transportation. More information will be provided regarding Phase 1B as it becomes available.

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