What are the utility locate marks on my front yard for?

    The Town water operations are busy this time of year with locate requests.  While we do complete locates for our projects, we also receive requests from residents, contractors, consultants, and utility companies.  These requests could support design activities for borehole drilling, installation of communication or gas lines, or a fence being built by your neighbour.  Unfortunately, if it is not a Town project, we don’t have details to share for the project.  

    Why does the Street Sweeping schedule run into June for Vineland?

    While the end of June is a long way out, we have started on the east end of Town and worked west for the past few years. As you can imagine, the end of Town that is swept last can have some concerned residents, but unfortunately, there is always an area done last as part of a program. To make it fair, we will be implementing a rotating starting side annually (i.e. west end of Town is first this year, and the east end of Town will be first next year). 

    The starting date is 2-3 weeks later than we have been in recent years due to a delayed spring projected this year – i.e., Easter Sunday 2022 weather event resulting in additional material being applied to the roads. The timelines are also conservative estimates that allow for some weather delays and emergencies. If we have favourable weather and working conditions, we may be able to end up ahead of schedule. We are also piloting the use of A-frame signs this year that will notify we will be sweeping in an area the following week. This will help advise residents of any changes in the proposed schedule and remind them to keep their cars off the road. 

    As with all of our operational programs, we are looking at ways to refine and improve. We will review the overall sweeping response at the end of the season to see if we can make any improvements.