Public Information Centre #2

The project team is hosting Public Information Centre #2 to provide an update on study progress including community feedback received to date, an assessment of the design alternatives developed from the preferred solution shown at Public Information Centre #1, the identification of the preliminary preferred design concept, and next steps. This event will be held in person in a ‘drop-in’ format with project team members available to discuss the project and assist with any questions or comments.

  • Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025
  • Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
  • Location: Fleming Centre | 5020 Serena Dr., Beamsville

The information materials related to Public Information Centre #2 will also be posted on this page on the day of the event, and questions or comments regarding the PIC #2 materials can be submitted through the tool at the bottom of this page until February 27, 2025.

    Greenlane Road within the urban boundary in Beamsville (Konkle Creek Trail to Bartlett Road) is experiencing significant infill development and, as a result, this roadway will be upgraded to an urban standard that supports the "complete streets" approach by providing dedicated space for all modes of transportation. Due to the poor condition of the roadway, the opening of the new West Niagara Secondary School on King Street, the future GO Station on Ontario Street, and a predicted increase in vehicle volumes from development growth in the area, this corridor has been identified as a high priority for road reconstruction and cross-section improvements. Given the anticipated impacts of reconstruction, this project includes completing a Schedule “C” Environmental Assessment in advance of detailed design and contract document preparation.

    The Town has retained CIMA+ to undertake a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) that will consider potential solutions for reconstructing Greenlane within the Beamsville urban boundary. The study will identify and evaluate alternative solutions and determine a recommended plan to upgrade Greenlane with a complete streets approach to accommodate intensification in the area and the need to provide residents access to the area through all modes of transportation.

    This study will follow the MCEA for a Schedule 'C’ project in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association MCEA manual (October 2000, as amended in March 2023), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. As part of this process, two Public Information Centres (PICs) will be planned to occur later in the study. Once the study is complete, a Project File Report will be prepared and filed for a 30-day public review period. A Notice of Completion will be published on this Speak Up Lincoln page and sent to the project mailing list to advise the public of the Project File Report review period.

    Solutions to be considered will include:

    • Reconstructing Greenlane with a complete streets approach
    • Reconstructing Greenlane within the existing ROW with a best fit solution
    • Do nothing

    All solutions will be evaluated from cultural heritage, natural environment, socio-economic, technical feasibility, and financial perspectives.

    The project will align with several of the Town’s existing plans, including:

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