Project Update
Watermain Replacement - Summer 2023
The Town of Lincoln has identified that the watermain on Bartlett Road from Union Road to Hinan Drive is a priority for proactive replacement due to the old cast iron piping that has a higher frequency of breaks. Additionally, the Town has received funding from the federal government for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. As a result, a portion of the watermain construction on Bartlett Road is being completed in advance of the overall reconstruction project.
Key Project Information
Start Date: June 2023
Project Duration: 2 months (weather dependent)
Location: Bartlett Road from Union Road to Hinan Drive (see location map below)
- Southbound daily lane closure
- East side of road will remain open for duration of project
- Access to all business will remain
- Fire and emergency service will always have access
- Expect delays
- Intermittent lane closures as required
Additional information can be found in the Community Investment Notice located on the right of this page.

Bartlett Road between King Street and the South Service Road is a significant north-south local collector road in Beamsville. A boundary road to the urban area, the corridor carries residential traffic and connects the community's industrial and commercial areas along the entire roadway. This corridor also crosses the CN Rail near Greenlane and is a significant drainage route for storm runoff to Lake Ontario.
Following the TMP recommendations, the Town recently completed the Beamsville Truck Route Implementation Study outlining a preliminary design strategy that recommended Bartlett Road be upgraded and reconstructed. Therefore, the detailed design phase is the next step in developing a clear plan for implementing this important initiative for the community.
This project involves the complete reconstruction of Bartlett Road from King Street to South Service Road.
The Town's TMP recommended that focus be given to Bartlett Road as a key north/south corridor route in Beamsville to help distribute traffic flow and support active transportation. Bartlett Road is on the Town's Active Transportation network and identified as part of the Beamsville primary loop. As part of this road reconstruction project, the Town intends to construct an in-boulevard multi-use pathway or similar type separated off-road cycling and pedestrian facilities to improve safety for all road users.
- Complete road reconstruction on Bartlett Road between King Street and the South Service Road to a standard suitable for heavy truck traffic.
- Intersection improvements at King Street and South Service Road to improve truck turning movements.
- Construction of separated off-road pedestrian and cycling facilities.
- Roadway illumination.
- The traffic signal at John Street and Bartlett Road.
- Replacement of water main between King Street and John Street.
- Replacement of water main between Union Road and Hinan Drive.
- Potential replacement of sanitary sewer between King Street and Greenlane.
- Drainage improvements, including stormwater quality, culverts, and storm sewers.
- Replacement or rehabilitation of existing open footing concrete box culvert
- CNR at-grade crossing improvements, including active transportation facilities at the crossing.
- Landscaping and tree planting improvements.
- Utility relocations as necessary.
The project will align with several of the Town's plans, including:
Next Steps
Residents will receive an invitation to attend a public consultation through a Public Notice. And will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the project. Please continue to check in with this page for further updates.