The Town of Lincoln is undertaking an Urban Forest Management Review as part of a collective effort to improve the health of the Town’s trees and increase Lincoln’s tree cover. This will be achieved through the implementation of proven best policies and practices, allowing the entire Lincoln community to benefit from the economic, environmental, and health-related advantages of a healthy urban forest.

As part of this initiative, the Town of Lincoln is launching a series of activities this fall. From community tree plantings to a tree hunt and giveaway, there are many ways to get involved in safeguarding and growing Lincoln’s tree canopy. For more information on these activities and how you can participate, visit

A Council Motion in September 2023 has initiated the process to strike a working group. Some of the goals include developing a tree procedures and standards manual related to current tree-related policies, identifying ways to integrate urban forest management with the Town’s Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, and sharing the knowledge of the impacts of climate change on urban forest management with community members for the betterment of our urban forest.

We all have a role to play in protecting and maintaining trees well into the future. To help with this, the Town has created a new, more effective penalty system for unauthorized tree removals. This is intended to promote compliance with the Town’s private tree protection requirements and support the Town’s objectives for a healthy tree canopy.

As a result, Council has approved an expansion to the Town’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS). This has created a new, more effective penalty system for unauthorized tree removals, effective July 2, 2024.

Trees which are protected by the Town’s Site Alteration and Tree Removal By-law are summarized here. Protected trees require a permit and approval from the Town prior to any removals taking place.

Summary of Updates to the Penalty System for Unauthorized Tree Removals:

  • Tickets will be issued by Municipal Law Enforcement immediately for the following infractions under By-law No. 2024-50:
    • Injuring, damaging or felling a tree without a tree permit;
    • Failure to comply with the terms or conditions of a tree removal permit;
    • Obstruction or interference with an Officer or any person authorized by the Town in discharge of their duties under the By-law.
  • The AMPS penalties are outlined in the table below and apply for each unauthorized tree which is removed;
  • Repeat offenders will be subject to escalating penalties (see 2nd and 3rd or subsequent contravention penalties listed in the table below);
  • Tickets issued under AMPS are not processed by the Provincial Offences Court, these are processed by the Town; and
  • Ticket recipients wishing to dispute the offence must go through a screening process conducted by the Town.

Administrative Monetary Penalties for Unauthorized Tree Removals (Schedule 'C' Site Alteration and Removal of Trees By-law No. 2024-50)

ContraventionAdministrative Penalty Tier 1
(First Contravention)
Administrative Penalty Tier 2
(Second Contravention)
Administrative Penalty Tier 3
(Third Contravention)

Injure/Damage/Fell tree without permit


Injure/damage/fell tree without permit


Fail to comply with conditions of a permit


Fail to comply with conditions of a permit

Obstruction of Director or Officer$500N/AN/A

About AMPS

AMPS is an alternative to the Provincial Offences Act process of administering and adjudicating tickets. The AMPS model manages disputes of By-law infractions in a manner that is fair, effective and efficient. Expanding the AMPS program to tree-related offences will support efficiencies of enforcement processes and increased compliance with Town By-laws.

On July 2, 2024, Council approved By-law No. 2024-50 (a By-law to Regulate Site Alteration and Removal of Trees and By-law) No. 2024-51 (a By-law to Establish AMPS for Non-Parking Related Offences) to expand the Non-Parking Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) to include tree-related infractions under the Site Alteration and Removal of Trees By-law.

  • View By-law No. 2024-51 to establish an Administrative Monetary Penalty System for non-parking related offences.
  • View By-law No. 2024-50 for Site Alteration and Removal of Trees (prohibiting and regulating the alteration of property grades, the placing or dumping of fill, the removal of topsoil and the injuring or destruction of trees). The new AMPS penalty structure for unauthorized tree removals can be found on Schedule ‘C’ of the by-law.

For more information please refer to the staff report PD-24-24 in the June 17 agenda or contact the Planning & Development department at 905-563-2799. Copies of the new By-laws will be added to this page as soon as they are available.

Learn more about the Administrative Monetary Penalty System.

The working group consists of Lincoln citizens and several Council and Staff members. The group has met monthly since November 2023 and has already accomplished much to date. A presentation on the group’s work was made to the Town's Committee of the Whole (COW) on February 12, 2024. Included in the work was a review of urban forest best practices from other municipalities. The best practices in the report will inform an updated set of Tree Related Policies, Bylaws, Procedures and Standards that staff will be creating.

The subject areas of the report include:

  1. Setting Tree Canopy Targets
  2. Achieving Tree Canopy Targets
  3. Tree Planting Guidelines
  4. Quality & Quantity of Soil Requirements for Planting
  5. Tree List for Town Plantings
  6. Protection for Trees During Construction
  7. Planting Standards for Parking Lots
  8. Maintenance Best Practices for Newly Planted Trees
  9. Educating Citizens on Tree Maintenance
  10. Private Tree Protection Bylaw
  11. Adequate Replacement Ratios
  12. Engaging the Public to Help the Town Reach Its Tree Canopy Goals

Working Group Members

  • Michael Kirkopoulos, CAO, Town of Lincoln
  • Matt Bruder, Director of Planning and Development, Town of Lincoln
  • Tony Brunet, Councillor, Ward 2
  • Liz Benneian, Ontariogreen and BCAC
  • Vernah Fleming, VFBG & Niagara Native Garden Club
  • Jane Woolsey, Benchlands Citizens Group

Experts from other organizations, such as the Vineland Research Innovation Centre (VRIC) and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA), may be asked for guidance as the work moves forward.

Please follow this page or stay tuned on the Town of Lincoln's website and social media accounts for updates on this project. We will look to engage Lincoln community members through in-person events and discussions, educational opportunities and digital feedback opportunities through this page.



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