Project Background
Thirty Road from King Street to the south Town limit requires a full road reconstruction to improve road user safety and accommodate increased traffic in the area.
Additionally, safety concerns and potential embankment erosion are prompting the Town to upgrade Thirty Road including a widened road platform, additional roadside safety measures, streetlighting upgrades and drainage improvements.
Slope stabilization works might also be required and may include property acquisition, as the existing road allowance along this corridor is narrow in some locations. Collaboration with the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) and the Town of Grimsby will be necessary, as this corridor is within NEC jurisdiction. As such, roadworks crossing the south Town limits may be required.
Project Description
This project involves complete reconstruction of Thirty Road from King Street to the South Town limit.
Thirty Road has seen increased operational pressure due to area growth and increased heavy truck movements crossing the escarpment. This is requiring the Town to upgrade the roadway to increase operational safety. Additionally, potential for slope erosion along the roadside embankment will require a long-term erosion protection plan for this important transportation corridor.
Proposed Construction Improvements
- Approximately 1.2 km of reconstructed roadway to a rural cross-section
- Road built to a standard to support increased traffic and active transportation
- Streetlighting upgrades
- Improved local area drainage including slope drainage improvements, culvert replacements and regraded ditch systems as required
- Potential for slope stabilization works and upgraded roadside safety systems
- Property acquisition in support of road widening as required
The project will align with several of the Town’s plans, including:
- Council priorities for a future-fit Lincoln
- Lincoln's Pathway to Prosperity. Economic Development Strategy and Plan.
- Lincoln's Official Plan
- Transportation Master Plan
- Active Transportation Master Plan
Next Steps
Residents will receive an invitation to attend a public consultation through a Public Notice. And will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the project. Please see the Project Timeline on the right-hand side of this page for further information.