
Official Plans & Zoning By-Laws

24 November 2023

Fiction: Official Plans and Zoning By-laws are static regulatory documents that cannot be changed or refined once they've been updated recently.

Fact: Local planning policies must conform to Provincial planning policies, which are constantly updated to reflect evolving conditions. This has been especially apparent in the past one to three years, as upper levels of government have prioritized goals related to providing more housing. As such, municipalities can consider amending even the most recently adopted Official Plans and Zoning By-laws.

There are also site-specific circumstances where amending the OFficial Plan or Zoning By-laws is necessary and warranted. These amendments can apply to the Town as a whole not just specific sites. Private property owners have the right to request consideration for amendments pertaining to their properties, which are then evaluated in accordance with the latest Provincial and local land use policies.

Our Official Plan Review is also currently underway. Visit our Shape LIncoln 2051 page to take the survey and learn more.