The Town of Lincoln is reviewing and updating its current Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan, which expired at the end of 2023. To learn more about the Town's existing Economic Development Strategy, please visit our website or click on the link below.

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The Town of Lincoln’s Economic Development Strategy & Action Plan was established as the Town’s first official Economic Development Strategy. The strategy was part of several initiatives to increase the focus on economic development within the Town of Lincoln.

To improve the economic well-being of our community through developing and implementing an integrated mix of policies, programs and initiatives, the Town outlined objectives within the following economic development roles and strategies to drive efficient results:

  • Strategy 1:  Promote an “Open for Business” message
  • Strategy 2:  Business retention and expansion
  • Strategy 3:  Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Strategy 4:  Attracting new investments
  • Strategy 5:  Talent and workforce development
  • Strategy 6:  Marketing

Lincoln’s strong roots in agriculture presents an ideal roadmap for identifying sectors of focus throughout the initial five-year term of the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan. Lincoln’s four sectors of focus not only help differentiate Lincoln from other municipalities, they also generate excellent opportunities for collaboration:

  • Sector 1: Agriculture
  • Sector 2: Food & Beverage
  • Sector 3: Tourism
  • Sector 4: Manufacturing

Business Engagement

To ensure that the Town's future Economic Development Strategy aligns with the goals of Lincoln's business community, Economic Development Staff will be hosting roundtable discussions as well as conducting a business walks program to engage our key sectors and downtowns.

Roundtable Discussions

To meet with Lincoln's key sectors, Staff will be hosting roundtable discussions to talk about challenges, trends and successes facing their businesses. Staff will be preparing a schedule during the Fall and into 2024, to meet with our local industries. If you are interested in participating in the roundtable discussion, please contact Economic Development at

Business Walks Program

Lincoln's downtowns are a key element of our local economy and are the economic drivers and backbone of our community. To ensure the voices of our retailers are heard, Economic Development Staff, alongside members of Council, will be conducting a business walks program throughout September to meet all the new businesses in our downtowns as well as build working relationships with existing businesses.


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