Project Update
Residents will receive an invitation to attend a public consultation through a Public Notice. The public consultation will provide residents with the opportunity to provide feedback on the project. Please continue to check this page for further updates on the project.
Project Background
William Street and surrounding neighbourhood streets (Highland Park Drive, Glenwood Drive, Robbie Burns Drive, and Charles Street) are in poor condition and require full road reconstruction to meet current urban standards. In addition, the watermain and sanitary sewer systems in this neighbourhood are outdated and require full replacement. The design will also review opportunities to improve traffic calming, streetlighting, and connectivity of the community.
Project Description
This project involves the detailed design and complete reconstruction of William Street, Highland Park Drive north of Elizabeth Street, Glenwood Drive, Robbie Burns Drive, and Charles Street.
Key project elements include:
- Approximately 2.0km of reconstructed roadway to meet current urban standards including curb and gutter with storm sewers
- Approximately 2.0km of new or improved active transportation facilities including sidewalks and improved road surfaces at a minimum
- Approximately 2.0km of new 150mm diameter PVC watermain
- Approximately 1.5km of new 200mm diameter PVC sanitary sewer
- Traffic calming initiatives
- Landscaping and tree planting improvements
- Review and upgrade streetlighting (as required)
- Utility relocations (as required)
The project will align with several of the Town’s existing plans, including: